Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Always better to buy the house at the top of the hill...rather than the bottom.  Fortunately, you guys are near the top of the hill, in fact, you are at the great divide between two watersheds.  Your neighbors on the left are fighting water coming across their you can see in the picture below.

You guys are fine...but we may want to consider how we handle the water from your downspouts to minimize impact on your neighbors.  Once we build your home, the amount of water will increase because your roof will be collecting it and then it will run over ground...rather than falling on the ground and soaking in a little bit. 

It would be cost prohibitive to pipe all your downspouts to the storm drain...maybe $2,000.  But perhaps we can build a swale to be sure we divert the water from the neighbors side yard.  Just keep this in mind.  Maybe we even talk with them?